Unexpected Auto Sign-in

I am currently building a Next 14 application using App Router and handling signup, login and logout with @auth0/nextjs-auth0.


import { handleAuth } from '@auth0/nextjs-auth0';

export const GET = handleAuth();

After a user logs out from an account (clicking a link point to api/auth/logout) and attempts to sign in using the same browser, the user will always automatically sign in with the previous account without reaching the universal login page.

I tried to clear all local storage and cookies in the browser when testing but the behavior persists. Is this expected behavior? If so, how can I make sure a user must go through the Universal Login Page after signing out from any account?

Hi @change,

Thanks for reaching out to Auth0 Community!

Please go through this previous community post with the same issue. Logging out completely - #4 by allistair. Hope this helps!


@pavan.bn The solution works. Thank you!

Hi change,

Great to here issue resolved Thanks!


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