Unauthroized access

I followed blog post on Authentication in Golang and React using JWTs

After I signup for new user I get signin and on the call back page it says unauthorized.
In auth0-variables.js file I copied the client id and from dashboard–> applications. I created application myself and set it as single page.
remain parameters (my app website as callback, domain and audience) in the auth0-variables.js are copied from dashboard–> api I created.
How these two are connected api and app is also not clear to me. As there might be several APIs and applications and how they are connected is not clear.
Kindly guids and thank you in advance.
let me know if you have a question.

:wave: @birdland1 you are able to sign-up a new user, but are unable to sign in? Are you able to share the code which you are using to log in? Or is it when you try to call your api?

Looks like you linked to old article from 2016 so there may be some steps that need to be modified to get the application to work, I would need to investigate.

Also, not sure if it helps (or if others were interested) but there is another golang article here: https://auth0.com/blog/developing-golang-and-angular-apps-part-1-backend-api/ that is Golang + Angular.

you can fine the code at GitHub - oa98105/auth0_authentication
Kindly look what i wrote for secret in main.go and also for client ID in auth0-variables.js
Thanks and looking forward

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