Unable to sign-in using a google account that has two-factor authentication enabled


I’m testing the Android sample application and I’m not able to complete the authorization flow if I sign-in with a Google account that has the two-factor authentication enabled. The CustomTab stays opened forever when it tries to do the last redirect.

Debugging I can see that the callback request has been cancelled but I don’t understand why. I’m attaching a har file containing the info related to this request.

Could anyone point me in the right direction?

callback.har (42.4 KB)

I just realized that there is an error in the browser console when this happens.

I guess that the browser is blocking the redirect to the custom scheme and that’s the reason why the CustomTab stays opened. Is there anything I can do to avoid this behavior?

Thanks a lot for reporting that!

is this the quickstart you’re referring to?

Yes, it’s the quickstart.

Thank you a lot for reporting that! I will contact quickstart maintainers and work with them how you can tackle that!

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For better transparency I opened a GitHub issue on your behalf in the repo so that you can potentially also talk with quickstart maintainers there. It’s here:

Thanks @konrad.sopala !

No worries if you have any more questions or anything to add regarding it please comment it in the GitHub issue thread.