Unable to obtain a token with the Management API. "400 Bad Request"

I have no issues with the testing token that I can manually issue via the dashboard however in trying to move to production (currently testing in Postman) I am getting a 400 Bad Request error.

I am following all of the instructions here: Get Management API Access Tokens for Production

Below is a screenshot from Postman. Where am I going wrong?

Hello @rwarner ,

Welcome to the Community!

Would you be able to run an example curl request?
In your dashboard, go to APIs > Auth0 Management API > Test Tab > and select the application you want to test in the dropdown.

Any other error message besides a 400 Bad Request?


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Hi @wayne.lim . Thanks for responding here. I actually don’t get any errors through that Test. I get an access token without any issues. See below. Ultimately I am going to be calling this API from my backend (Xano) however I am just testing things in Postman. Is it perhaps how I have it structured in Postman?

Hello @rwarner ,

Thanks for checking and good to know that it works from the dashboard. At least now we can rule out the error was from Auth0.

It might be a misconfiguration in your Postman. Would you be able to try and request with this configuration? Selecting ‘Raw’ and then ‘JSON’ and input your body like so.


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Yes, there was definitely something off with my Postman setup. Once I copied/pasted the CURL example as you’ve shown here it worked just fine. Thanks for your help.

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No worries! We’re here for you!

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