I’m trying to set up an onboarding form. When I try to set the Vault connection and I am getting the following error. Do I need to set up a Vault connection in order to use the form?
“statusCode”: 400,
“error”: “Bad Request”,
“message”: “Payload validation error: ‘None of the valid schemas were met’. Inner errors: [ Payload validation error: ‘Invalid value "AUTH0"’ on property app_id. (also) Payload validation error: ‘None of the valid schemas were met’ on property setup ({description}). Inner errors: [ Payload validation error: ‘Additional properties not allowed: client_secret,client_id,domain’ on property setup ({description}). ]. (also) Payload validation error: ‘None of the valid schemas were met’ on property setup ({description}). Inner errors: [ Payload validation error: ‘Object didn’t pass validation for format hostname-rfc2181: chatstack-production’ on property setup.domain. ]. (also) Payload validation error: ‘None of the valid schemas were met’ on property setup ({description}). Inner errors: [ Payload validation error: ‘Invalid value "OAUTH_APP"’ on property setup.type. ]. (also) Payload validation error: ‘None of the valid schemas were met’ on property setup ({description}). Inner errors: [ Payload validation error: ‘Additional properties not allowed: client_secret,client_id,domain’ on property setup ({description}). (also) Payload validation error: ‘Invalid value "OAUTH_APP"’ on property setup.type. ]. (also) Payload validation error: ‘None of the valid schemas were met’ on property setup ({description}). Inner errors: [ Payload validation error: ‘Missing required property: algorithm’ on property setup. ]. ].”,
“errorCode”: “invalid_body”
I’m using the form on the Auth0 dashboard to enter my information (tenant-domain, client_id, client_secret)
Hi @chris26
Welcome to the Auth0 Community!
For the Auth0 Vault, from what I understand, you are using the Auth0 UI inside the Forms, right?
For the credentials of the Vault, are you using the client id and secret of the Management API application or a different one?
Could you attempt to create a vault through the Management API page? You can do that here:
For the body, you can try using the following:
"app_id": "AUTH0",
"name": "Auth0 Vault",
"setup": {
"type": "OAUTH_APP",
"client_id": "{M2M_client_id}",
"client_secret": "{M2M_client_secret}",
"domain": "{AUTH0_Domain}"
Let me know if the above works
Also, could you please share with me the tenant name that you are experiencing this issue on?
Kind Regards,