TypeError: Cannot read property 'idTokenPayload' of undefined

Hey there, I’m getting an error on my Gatsby js app when trying to log in. Here is the error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'idTokenPayload' of undefined
(anonymous function)
> 1 | import auth0 from "auth0-js"
  2 | import { navigate } from "gatsby"
  3 | 
  4 | const isBrowser = typeof window !== "undefined"

When I log in to my app it works the first time and I can see that authResult is console logging proper values, but the moment I click on any routes or refresh the page, it returns this error. I was working fine until this morning, I didn’t change anything other than some CSS styles.

Here is my auth.js file:

import auth0 from "auth0-js"
import { navigate } from "gatsby"

const isBrowser = typeof window !== "undefined"

const auth = isBrowser
  ? new auth0.WebAuth({
      domain: process.env.AUTH0_DOMAIN,
      clientID: process.env.AUTH0_CLIENTID,
      redirectUri: process.env.AUTH0_CALLBACK,
      responseType: "token id_token",
      scope: "openid profile email",
  : {}

const tokens = {
  accessToken: false,
  idToken: false,
  expiresAt: false,

let user = {}

export const isAuthenticated = () => {
  if (!isBrowser) {

  return localStorage.getItem("isLoggedIn") === "true"

export const login = () => {
  if (!isBrowser) {


const setSession = (cb = () => {}) => (err, authResult) => {


  localStorage.setItem("userAuthID", authResult.idTokenPayload.sub)
  localStorage.setItem("userIdToken", 'Bearer '+authResult.idToken)
  if (err) {

  if (authResult && authResult.accessToken && authResult.idToken) {
    let expiresAt = authResult.expiresIn * 1000 + new Date().getTime()
    tokens.accessToken = authResult.accessToken
    tokens.idToken = authResult.idToken
    tokens.expiresAt = expiresAt
    user = authResult.idTokenPayload
    localStorage.setItem("isLoggedIn", true)


export const silentAuth = callback => {
  if (!isAuthenticated()) return callback()
  auth.checkSession({}, setSession(callback))

export const handleAuthentication = () => {
  if (!isBrowser) {


export const getProfile = () => {
  return user

export const logout = () => {
  localStorage.setItem("isLoggedIn", false)

And here is my callback.js file:

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { handleAuthentication } from "../utils/auth"
import { navigate } from 'gatsby';

export default class callback extends Component {

  componentDidMount() {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1500);

  render() {
    return (
        <div className="hero is-white is-fullheight">
          <div className="hero-body">
            <div className="container">
              <h1 className="title is-1 is-spaced has-text-centered logo-text">Fottom</h1>

Can some please help me find what is missing here? Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @javascriptlover,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

This error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'idTokenPayload' of undefined (anonymous function) suggests that there is a rule or hook that is trying to access an undefined property ‘id’. I think that this might be used in a rule. Could you please check whether a rule is configured correctly? The best way to test would be to temporarily disable the rule and see if the problem persists.

You could try debugging the rule and use the real-time webtask logs extension in case you are having trouble pinpointing the source of where the error is occurring.

Please let me know if this helps!

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