I’m trying to build a POC for Advanced Customizations for Custom Login with the Auth0 CLI by running
auth0 universal-login customize
and then picking the advanced option, but the operation is failing and I’m getting the following message:
Failed to fetch the existing render settings: 403 Forbidden: This tenant does not have Advanced Customizations enabled..
I’ve searched the dashboard for my org, but I cannot seem to find an option to activate the feature, could anybody help me find the exact way to do that?
Could you please check if the customizations are enabled using User Interface? You can find the relevant settings under the Universal Login menu, specifically in the Branding section.
Where are customizations preferences expected to be found?
I see a selector under Universal Login Experience, for which I picked Universal Login (Classic Login being the other option), and then for some pages (only Login, PW Reset, MFA) I see dedicated tabs containing toggle inputs labeled with Customize * Page, which I have all toggled, in doubt, but nothing seems to help me solve my issue.
Advanced Customizations for the Universal Login is currently in Early Access. This feature’s early access is limited; however, the team will start allowing more customers to join in late January. I would recommend reaching back out here in Community or in a support ticket to request being added to the expanded Early Access for this feature around that time.