Triggers post-mfa action


I’m implementing a third party service that give an ID during the post-login action and I wan’t to send back this ID on post-mfa (once user validates the OTP code challenge).

Do we have any ways to use triggers / actions to do something during post-mfa after user OTP validation?

Thank you in advance.

Hi @malek.babaz69

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question. You can utilize the API.authentication.challengeWith() method to challenge the user with MFA, which will pause the action’s execution pipeline. After the user finishes the MFA, you can send the ID to 3rd party.


Thank you for your answer! I’m not sure to understand this. Can I send the ID to 3rd party in the process of triggers/actions?
I mean, I’ll use exports.onExecutePostLogin to active OTP with api.authentication.challengeWithAny([{type: 'otp'}]);, but when do I trigger the MFA validation? Do I have another key function like exports.onExecutePostLogin but for MFA?

Oh my bad, I’ve just to do this on exports.onExecutePostLogin on another action, my bad! Thank you :slight_smile:

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