Token length and guest logins

I have a scenario where my company has existing functionality and I’m wondering if Auth0 has any way for us to replicate that functionality.

What we are currently doing is generating a relatively short token that can be printed on a physical piece of paper and manually typed in on our platform to login. The login, however, isn’t a real login. It is a limited guest session that can only be used for specific tasks like making a payment.

So my questions are

  1. Is there any any functionality in Auth0 to issue a short token that can be used to login?
  2. We don’t necessarily need the account being logged into to be a guest account - what we are looking for is a way to allow someone access to the platform for a limited period and with a very limited scope. Is there a corresponding type of functionality available in Auth0?

Hi @Pixelworlds,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Yes! Auth0 can issue short-lived access tokens used to log in. Once the access token has expired, it will be invalid for future use.

I recommend checking out the resources below to learn more:

Yes, there is! For this to work, the user must log in to get issued a short-lived access token. In the login request, you can specify API scopes, which defines the permissions the user has access to.

Let us know if you have any additional questions.


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