Symfony 4 Quick Start Guide update ETA?

Is there an ETA for an update to the Symfony Quick Start guide that will help me get set up with Symfony 4?

I’ve tried to muddle through using the existing Symfony 3 Quick Start guide unsuccessfully.

Can you link to the specific guide you’re referencing? Is it the Quick Start or is it the blog post?

This one:
It says “System requirements: PHP 5.6, 7.0 | Symfony 3.*”
I would very much like one that has been updated for Symfony 4.*

This is marked as “community-maintained” which means we rely heavily on the community to keep it updated. At this time we do not have it slated to update to Symfony v4 but we welcome any PRs to assist in that endeavor. I did receive feedback from one of our engineers that he was able to upgrade a v3 install to v4 with this module included, but starting with v4 was not working and would acquire the assistance I mention above.