Are the Symfony SDKs still being maintained?

I’m trying to use the official Symfony SDK.
It doesn’t work - and hasn’t worked since at least January.

If Okta aren’t interested in keeping these services running, could they please let us know.


Hi @edent

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question. I appreciate your patience regarding the SDK update to Symfony 7.0. We are still supporting the library, but I can’t provide an ETA when the update will happen. If anything changes, I will make sure to update this post.


Hi Dawid - would you mind reading the question? I wasn’t talking about Symfony 7.

There is a critical bug in the current v6.4 version.

It is only because the community have provided a patch that I was able to get it working.

I appreciate that Okta is a small and underfunded company. But could you please spare 5 minutes to accept the linked Pull Request?

Hi @edent

First of all, I’m sorry for my mistake regarding the cause of the issue you reported. I wrongly assumed that the issue was connected to the lack of support for Symphony 7.0. However, I would like to thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. After further discussion with the SDK team, they’ve released an experimental 5.3 Symphony SDK that addresses both of the mentioned issues.

Thank you for being part of our community!

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