Stream Export Files are not Available when using Auth0 Deploy CLI Export Command

Problem statement

When using Auth0 deploy-cli version 7.17.5. and running the export command to get the config from a dev tenant, the stream config files are not available. There are two streams configured on the tenant.


read:log_streams permission must be enabled on the client using the CLI tool. Without this permission, the tool cannot export the stream configuration. When you execute the script, it should throw the following warning;

warn: Cannot retrieve logStreams due to missing scopes: read:log_streams

If this permission is already enabled, provide the following information and open a support ticket for further troubleshooting;

  1. The version of the CLI tool used
  2. Tenant domain used for exporting the configuration.
  3. Redacted (any credential like client secret should be redacted) config.json file used with the CLI tool.
  4. The debug logs from the CLI tool when the issue happens.