I’ve currently setup a post-user registration hook that stores the newly created auth0 user in my database, returning an id from the databse to store in the auth0 app_metadata:
Reading through the Pre-User Registration docs however suggests that this might be a better place to add to the app_metadata:
At the Pre-User Registration extensibility point, Hooks let you execute custom actions when a new user is created. For example, you can add custom app_metadata or user_metadata to the newly-created user, or prevent the creation of the user in the database.
Is my current setup using the post-user registration hook ok or should I be doing this in the pre-user registration hook instead?
Thanks for the quick response. I think I’m going to have to use the post-reg hook as I need the user_id from the auth0 user and that isn’t available using pre registration.
To avoid having to store a database id in the users meta data, would it be possible to use the auth0 user_id as an id in the database to reference the user or is that not considered appropriate?
You can also do it in a rule that checks to see if this is the first time the user has logged in, rather than post-reg.
Both methods you mention (storing your user ID in the Auth0 user’s metadata and storing the Auth0 user ID in your DB) are appropriate, with various trade-offs.
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