SSO Not Working with Organizations

We are now setting the org ID as a cookie whenever someone logs in, then clearing it when they log out. This fixes SSO for us by making the provider organization-aware.

It also serves as a sort of “remember me” for the organization prompt, which is a nice side effect.

Note: We haven’t fully rolled this out yet, but we have tested it enough to be confident it’ll work.

      onRedirectCallback={(appState?: AppState, user?: User) => {
        if (user && user.org_id) {
          // using js-cookie
          Cookies.set('auth0OrgId', user.org_id, { domain: cookieDomain })
        navigate((appState && appState.returnTo) ?? window.location.pathname)
        clientId: auth0ClientId,
        audience: auth0Audience,
        domain: auth0Url,
        organization: Cookies.get('auth0OrgId') ?? undefined,

If you are using the same client ID, this solution might be easier for you: How to login once across multiple subdomains on a custom domain?

I would still like an officially supported Auth0 feature for this, but since it’s going to work for our case, I am marking this as the solution.