Small bug in angular-jwt library

Hi There

There is a small bug in the angular-jwt library, where it checks reponses for a 401 status, as the token might have been rejected.

The bug is, that the response can be undefined, if the internet connection is lost.
I’ve created and issue, and a PR, but I’m having some trouble, getting anyone to give it a look.

Issue with replication steps:

Pull Request:

I know this isnt a gigantic bug, but using the library in a PWA or a Cordova/Ionic Hybrid App, it can produce problems.

Thanks a lot @mb11!

Will ping repo maintainers to let them know about it! Personally to get maintainers’ attention I always check who merged last commit into master and then assign him / her to PR / issue. Also need to take into account that there we have limited bandwidth and our engineering maintainers may get back to you not immediately.

Thanks a lot and really appreciate your contribution!

It seems like the repo maintainers got in touch. Let us know if you have any other questions in the future!