Self-Service SSO Profile Limitations

What are the limitations of Self-Service SSO Profile? How many profiles can be created per Auth0 tenant?

Hi @caward24,

Are you talking to user profiles? Like how many user profiles can be created on a tenant?

As much information/context you can provide would be appreciated!


Mary Beth

I believe so. Self-Service Single Sign-On. In the link there is talk of creating a Self-Service Profile. I wanted to know what the limitations are with this feature. Specifically, how many profiles a Auth0 tenant can have.

Hi @caward24,

I understand! Those are different from user profiles. I have reached out internally to confirm what the limit is on these profiles!

I’ll update you as soon as I hear back!


Mary Beth

Hi @caward24,

The team confirmed that the max number of Self-Service SSO Profiles is 20. They are working to update the docs as well.


Mary Beth