Securing Electron Applications with OpenID Connect and OAuth2

Hi Andrea

This is what happened in the logs when user try to login → logout → login again.

When user try to login again from the login screen right after he clicked logout.
I get a message from auth0 api /token route:

The logout function run this:

logout = async () => {
  const { service, account } = this.keytar;
  await createLogoutWindow(`https://${this.auth.domain}/v2/logout?client_id=${this.auth.clientID}`);
  await keytar.deletePassword(service, account);
  this.tokens = {
    accessToken: null,
    profile: null,
    refreshToken: null
  this.userProfile = null; };

The logout window code:
import electron from 'electron';

const { BrowserWindow } = electron.remote;

export function createLogoutWindow(logOutUrl) {
  const logoutWindow = new BrowserWindow({
    show: false,


  logoutWindow.on('ready-to-show', async () => {

As you can see in the auth0 logs, even when the user have a successful login the /token api route returns 401 unauthorized.

If the user is closing the app opening it again and then try to login the /token route return a 200 OK.

Thanks a lot for your help,