Not able to get Auth0 lock working with Electron

Hi all,

Thanks in advance for the help.

I’m not having any luck getting Auth0 lock and Electron to work together at the moment, including the electron samples repository. If I try to use username/password auth I get “Origin file:// not allowed” (even if I have that origin allowed in my client application. I tried with Lock 10 instead of Lock 11 and got a 404 on the /oauth/ro route, which I see has been deprecated. Unfortunately I don’t have my code from this morning when I was working with this as I took another route, but posting here in case there are others currently hung up on integrating the latest Auth0 flows with Electron.


:wave: @dzello thanks for reaching out! I believe at this time Lock 11 does not work in Electron, previous versions may have allowed this flow to work. For example, you may be able to use Lock 10.16.x (with oidcConformant: true passed in the flags), but I will need to check if this is an acceptable work around. I am currently discussing this scenario with the team to see what an appropriate solution would be and will get back to you as soon as I can.

How is the auth0 team getting on with electron development. I’ve just moved my Cordova app to an electron only to see I have to upgrade from v7 to v9 auth0js sdk which electron is not supported fully.

I’m also in need of a workable SDK solution for electron before my current code stops working in 2 weeks. A new quickstart would be amazing. The old unsupported one appears to be removed from the documentation.


For those asking about Electron please see this post :

Will update if anything further is discussed

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