I have built an application which uses Auth0 for authentication. Our app users are stored in Auth0, and normal logins present users with a username and password dialogue to enter the application.
For some of our clients, we have set up Enterprise Connections, so that their staff members can login to our app using their own identity store. They land on our app login page, and type in their email address. Since the enterprise connection indicates the domains which should pass through it. If the username contains a domain associated with an enterprise connection, the user (after typing in their email address and pressing Continue) is redirected to their own identity provider’s login page. After logging in there, they are redirected back to our app and if authentication is successful, Auth0 passes them through to our app (we link their SSO user with their app user on first login, so they are authenticated as the Auth0 user linked to their SSO account).
The challenge:
Our clients that use enterprise connections would like it that when they click a link to our app (e.g. https://our.app/some_destination), they are not presented with a login screen within which they need to type in their email and press Continue. They want it to seamlessly detect that they need to pass through a particular connection, and then automatically be authenticated through the normal SSO process and land on the destination link.
The question:
Is there a way to construct a link to our app that will tell Auth0 which enterprise connection it needs to pass the user through and which destination URL it needs to send the user to post authentication?