I use Auth0 in the ionic, the development of app. Login with Facebook account, will open the browser to enter the Facebook user name, password to verify. But when I Facebook validation in the browser, halfway to give up, return app. I can not operate app at this time, because it is waiting for the browser can Facebook verification results. At this point, how can I stop the app waiting, and operate the app.
My code is as follows:
lock = new Auth0Lock('*****************', '******.auth0.com', {
auth: {
redirect: false,
params: {
scope: 'openid offline_access'
sso: false
theme: {
logo: 'assets/default/loginLogo.png',
primaryColor: '#81d8cf',
language: 'zh-tw',
rememberLastLogin: false,
languageDictionary: {
title: 'so funir'
public enter() {
// Show the Auth0 Lock widget