Request failed with status code 403: Service not enabled within domain (Java)

I am currently trying to get a refresh token with this piece of code.

try {
            AuthAPI authAPI = AuthAPI.newBuilder(issuer, clientId, clientSecret).build();
            TokenHolder result = authAPI.requestToken(audience)
            return new Message(result.getAccessToken());

        } catch (Auth0Exception e) {
            return new Message("Exception: " + e.getMessage());

I followed the javadocs for reference. Trying to get an access code with this piece of code gives me this.

{"message":"Exception: Request failed with status code 403: Service not enabled within domain: https://audience/api/v2/"}

audience: “https://audience/api/v2/
issuer: “

Did I miss something? Do I have to add additional configurations? I have already added create:organizations in my scope too.