Remove Continue with Google


I have an app that used to use Google social auth. However, we have since totally remove the social connection from Google, but the option to “Continue with Google” still appears on our login page.

How can I remove the Continue with Google option?

Hi @mark222 :wave:

You should be able to remove the “Continue with Google” option on your login page by disabling the google-oauth2 social connection from the application in Auth0.

To do that from the Auth0 Dashboard, go to Applications > Name of application > Connections tab > disable google-oauth2

More details can be found here:

Hope this helps!


It takes community to do community! Thanks a lot for sharing that @gparascandolo !


Thanks for the response, I appreciate it.

My issue is that I already did this. I have 4 applications under “Applications > Applications” on the dashboard, and the “Connections” tab on each one looks like this:

Yet the “Continue with Google” still appears on my login page.

My only thought it that this is a bug with Auth0 which is caused because I may have deleted the connection integration from Authentication > Social before disabling it? I’ve gone through absolutely every option to try and disable this.

So my login page is on This means the page is managed by Auth0 right? When I make any customisations to Branding > Universal Login I don’t see any of the changes (eg: Button primary colour) reflected on the page.

Is it possible something else has gone wrong?

I think I figured it out. This is a project that I inherited, and it looks like they may have used custom HTML templates, which is why none of the changes I’m making are reflected in the login page.

Actually, seems that the account doesn’t have any custom domains, so I’m at a loss again as it’s not possible to use the custom templates without a custom domain.

Ok I finally figured it out. We had a custom HTML page configured under Branding > Universal Login > HTML. This means that any customisation made to the universal login (eg: social auths, colours, branding, etc…) are ignored in favour of the custom HTML template.


Beautiful, structured investigation @mark222 @gparascandolo !


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