Region, locality, and sub-locality

In “region, region, sub-region”, which cities are specifically sub-regions?
In particular, I don’t know where US, US2, US3, US4, EU, and EU-2 are.

Also, how are sub-regions determined?

Hi @pukukyunu

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Great question! Let me ask the team, and I will get back to you as soon as I have an answer!

Thank you!

Hi @pukukyunu

I found this article regarding our infrastructure → A Look at Auth0 Cloud Architecture: 5 Years In.

In this case, we use two AWS regions: us-west-2 (our primary) and us-west-1 (our failover). Under normal circumstances, all requests will go to us-west-2, served by three separate availability zones.

This is how we achieve high availability: all services (including databases) have running instances on every availability zone (AZ). If one AZ is down due to a data center failure, we still have two AZs to serve requests. If the entire region is down or having errors, we can update Route53 to failover to us-west-1 and resume operations.

Regarding the cities themselves, I’m waiting for confirmation.


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