Redirect with `code` on onExecutePostLogin

After calling api.redirect.sendUserTo(), the code is missing in the URL. How do I add that?

Hey @PatrickHeneise welcome to the community!

Which code are you referring to? If you can provide a bit more detail on your desired use case here we might be able to assist :slight_smile:

We’re using the “Authorization Code Flow” (eventually with PKCE);

  1. login button redirects to auth0 universal login
  2. callback to our designated callback url

The callback url is an environment variable and baked into the Docker image, but we’re using subdomains and I’d like to change/replace the subdomain of the callback url after the user is logged in, based on metadata.

Without any Action, the callback url has a state and code. The state is available in the event parameter, but the code is nowhere to be found, and the callback url doesn’t have that either, so I can’t complete the sign-in on the client.

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