Redirect to login page after signup using universal login

How to redirect to login page after signing up, im using email verification to restrict loggin in unless email is verified, right now after signinup user is logged in straigt, how can i redirect to login pages insted of that

Hi @gigivadachkoria,

Whenever a user signs up, they are automatically logged in by design. You could prevent the user from logging until they have verified their email address, as you have already done so.

Then, I recommend setting the Redirect To URL to your login page in your verification email template. This way, after the user has verified their email address, they will be redirected to your login page.

Please let me know if you have any questions on this.


The problem with that is the login route which is provided by auth0 universal login, then does not work, it throws error

requirement is to stop user from logging in when user signs up, is that achievable with universal login and auth0?

Hi @gigivadachkoria,

Could you please share what was the error it threw?

Yes, please check out this FAQ on verifying users in Actions.


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