Receive AN email when new users register

My company is using Auth0 on a new website they are developing. The website requires that new accounts be “accepted” by an admin before they gain access to the site. The client wants to be able to receive an email whenever a new user registers with the service, and I was wondering if this is something we can automate through Auth0? Is it possible to set up an email to an admin which gets automatically sent whenever a new user registers? We don’t need the email to include information about the users. All we need is an email saying “A new user has registered.” so that they know they need to log onto the admin page of the site we are developing and verify the new user there.

Hi @goran.halvarsson,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

You could send an email to yourself whenever a user signs up using the Post User Registration action.

If that option does not work for you, you could Create Custom Log Streams Using Webhooks. Then, filtering for the ss (signup - success) log event type code and sending an email accordingly.

Does that help?


Thank you for answering, could you please show an example in an action - How to send an (Auth0)email.

*The example in the documentation is a “slack notification”

Hi @goran.halvarsson,

Thanks for your reply.

While I don’t have a specific example to share, I recommend checking out this knowledge solution on making an Axios API call within an Action, which you might find helpful.

Additionally, please refer to the documentation for your email provider to configure the Action script to send an email using their API, such as with SendGrid.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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