Rate limit 429 after 7 bad attempts with email passwordless

Hi Folks,

We have passwordless email configured and working well.

One thing is odd. After 7 bad codes there is a 429 on the email challenge endpoint.

There is an auth0 system message associated with it:

“It seems this application has become very popular, and its available rate limit has been reached. Please retry after a few minutes”

Example Tracking ID: 64886d4aafa50c28bfe1

This occurs before the Account Blocked message.

This feels like an IP address block. This is not a big concern. I would like to know the reason if possible.

The system message means we cannot handle this condition with UI.

Hi @streamzz,

Do you see any tenant logs of the types limit_mu, limit_sul, or limit_wc around the time of the 429s?

Additionally, please see this Community article concerning 429s and passwordless: Getting rate limitted for /passwordless/start quickly

Please let me know if you have any additional questions!


Mary Beth

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