Question of bast practice of change password

I have a question of bast practice of change password usecase.

Now I develop Password change function for customer user.
Customer should be able to change password by inputing new password after login(authorization code flow).
but I think Auth0 does not provide change password screen.
So I have to develop custom screen or use password reset screeen instead of it.
Custom screen will use Client Credentials Flow and user management Auth0 API and change user’s attr(Passsword).
which case is the recommended usecase?

Hey there!

Actually you don’t need to implement everything from scratch and doing custom things. Have you had a chance to check our doc on how to achieve that programatically using our stack?

Thank you for your repaid reply.
I check your doc,
Which case is the bast practice for security
Using Password reset email or Directly set the new password by management API??