I am a noob in Auth0, and for reasons of my application, I need to create a custom login.
- When I use the postman, I can connect to the service
https: // {{MY_DOMAIN}}.auth0.com/oauth/token
passing it in the body of the petition
“grant_type”: “password”,
“username”: “”,
“password”: “”,
“client_id”: “”,
“client_secret”: “”
and everything is good, but when I try to connect with " fetch" to this URL (https://{{MY_DOMAIN}}.auth0.com/oauth/token). The auth0 service respond me
type: “cors”,
url: “https://{{MI_DOMAIN}}.auth0.com/oauth/token”,
redirected: false,
status: 401,
ok: false,
Please, what I need make to resolve this problem?