Postgres is not a function

I want to custom my postgres database to check email and password for login. but i am try to use the samples scripts to connect to custom database but i am getting error “postgres is not a function” then i click try button and fill the email and password .
Is this functionality only available in paid account or i can use in free account also for testing.

function loginByEmail(email, callback) {
  //this example uses the "pg" library
  //more info here:

  const postgres = require('pg');

  const conString = 'postgres://usernam:pass@servername:5432/dbname?ssl=true';
  postgres(conString, function (err, client, done) {
    if (err) return callback(err);

    const query = 'SELECT id, email FROM user WHERE email = $1';
    client.query(query, [email], function (err, result) {
      // NOTE: always call `done()` here to close
      // the connection to the database

      if (err || result.rows.length === 0) return callback(err);

      const user = result.rows[0];

      return callback(null, {

Please provide the code snippet that you use. Are you importing the required node package?


Is this functionality only available in paid account or i can use in free account also for testing.

Custom Databases require an Enterprise subscription, see Pricing - Auth0, even though it’s not hard blocked in lower subscription plans.

Update (after OP added code snippet):

@bloomjyotithakur: I think you’re probably not initializing postgres client correctly. Looking at an example here, it seems that you need to initialize like this:

const pg = require('pg');
const conString = 'postgres://usernam:pass@servername:5432/dbname?ssl=true';

const client = new pg.Client(conString);
const query = 'SELECT id, email FROM user WHERE email = $1';
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OP added code snippet - what OP means
Thank you

OP = Original Poster (of this forum thread) :slight_smile:

Did you try my code snippet, does it work?

i will try and let you know.
Please send complete snippet

“Request to Webtask got ESOCKETTIMEDOUT”

getting this error with @mathiasconradt you code

Is your postgres DB / server / port / firewall open for external requests (for Auth0 in particular)? And does the postgres DB allow for remote connections?

ok i will check and let you know