Configuring PostgreSQL as Auth0 Custom Database

Connect Auth0 to PostgreSQL to create and maintain your own user store.
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:writing_hand:t2: Brought to you by Giridhar Talla

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Hi Auth0 team,

First of all, Thanks for the detailed approach and good sample scripts.
I recently started experimenting with auth0 for one of my projects and I tried this custom database option, I was able to configure and “Try Connection” also work.
But my problem is when I try to login using an email and password from the custom database, it doesn’t work. it says invalid email or password, I used the samecreds in the Try Connection option.

  • I added my auth0 application in applications tab.
  • I tried with an email and password for the user I directly added to auth0 and that works.

Can you help me pointing what am I missing here ?

Hi @dharm,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I understand you are having problems logging in with a Custom DB connection following this tutorial.

I was able to recreate the tutorial successfully and log in with the “Try Connection” button as well as in an app running locally with a username/password.

Are you saying you add a user to the database directly (in the ElephantSQL UI) and cannot log in with those credentials?

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