Post User Registration Action not firing for SMS Passwordless Connection

I tried to setup this Action for Post User Registration:

const axios = require(“axios”);
exports.onExecutePostUserRegistration = async (event) ≥ {
await“https://xxx/auth0-webhook.php”, { params: { phone_number: event.user.phone_number }});


However, if I set up this on Post Login:

const axios = require(“axios”);

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event) => {
if (event.stats.logins_count === 1) {
await“https://xxx/auth0-webhook.php”, { params: { phone_number: event.user.phone_number }});

It works. Both work when I run tests. But the Post User Registration action simply isn’t firing when a new user signs up via SMS. What gives? Should I opt for this work around instead of using the proper action?