Php prefill an email address

hey dan -

this link seemed to indicate there may be a better way to pre-populate the google login other than using login_hint:

Our best practice recommendations from Auth0 have been changed to discontinue using login_hint as a way to pass this data, and instead recommend doing a namespaced parameter.
e.g.  `mycompany_showsignup=1`  or  `mycompany_initialscreen=signup`
This will help avoid any conflicts with the appropriate use of those parameters.

but that being said, i have run out of time (and patience) to get this working so i have hired somebody to finish this for me (yes Dan, i am cheating…!)

i was able to implement your “upstream_params” but was still unable to see any meaningful results.

assuming my contractor gets this working, i will be posting all the steps he went through, with a special asterisk notation to the steps i probably carelessly glossed over.:grin:


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