Permissions claim empty

Having followed Vue with Composition API (JavaScript) + Standard Library (Golang) Code Sample: Basic Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Hello World Full-Stack App

The permissions claim is always empty, so I can’t complete the tutorial.

Hey there @mgazza welcome to the community!

So at this point you’re getting an access token that is a jwt (not opaque), and it has a permission claim, but that claim is empty? Can you confirm:

  • In the API settings for the API registered in Auth0 you have Enable RBAC and Add permissions in the access token enabled

  • You have a role with corresponding API permissions assigned to the user

  • The audience claim is that of the correct API (API identifier in Auth0 dashboard)

Wow that was really hard to spot!
Thank you I found the bit of the tutorial I missed!

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Ah! That’s definitely easy to miss - Glad you were able to get it sorted :slight_smile:

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