I have a VUE js SPA application using auth0, the implementation is pretty basic, but when I get the user information from auth0, instead of a “permissions” key, it returns a “{{some-of-my-auth0-applications-api-name}}/permissions”. I can’t find inside the auth0 dashboards how to change it.
By the way for my vue application, I’m not using the bfp_customers_report API/audience, but the Msgops one. So I can’t understand why it returns with the bfp_customers_report/permissions as a key inside my user’s details.
The permissions in the ID token with use of a namespace as pictured are added as a custom claim by a Rule or Action in your dashboard - You won’t be able to use the permissions claim directly in ID tokens as it’s a restricted claim. So, the way you are going about adding permissions to ID tokens currently is correct:
Permissions are added using the permissions claim in access tokens as part of RBAC: