Passwordless login passing additional fields to Pre User Registration action

Hello, I’ve found myself wandering across the Auth0 docs and Community answers for several days and I don’t think I have a clear idea that if what I’m trying to do is possible. If you could provide some help I’d appreciate it very much.

Basically, I’m trying to use Passwordless in a custom way on the login form side and after running a Pre User Registration action. On the login form I need to present the user 3 form boxes, one for email, one for a personal id number, and one for a business id number, there is a simple logic behind the two ids but to simplify in some cases we need to send to Auth0 email + personal id, and in other cases email + personal id + business id. I’ll mention it now since it’s relevant but we store the tuples (email + personal id) and triples (email + personal id + business id) in a user data legacy store that we’re trying to lazily migrate to Auth0.

We’ll expose the user data legacy store through an API and we’ll run a Pre User Registration action before a user is added to a Passwordless connection. That action will send a request to the mentioned API including email + personal id (+ business id when it applies) and if the tuple exists then it’ll return a successful response code to the action and the user should be created. If the tuple doesn’t exist the API won’t return a successful response code and the user won’t be added to the Passwordless connection.

The first thing that is hard to grasp for me is if it’s even possible to add new fields to one of the login forms provided (Universal, Classic, or fully custom UI) and for which one exactly. Of course I want the solution to be as frictionless for the user (presenting just one form with the 3 mentioned fields) and secure as possible so I’d appreciate it if you could please share which of Universal, Classic, or fully custom UI will allow that. After that I’d like if it’s possible to pass those fields to the Pre User Registration action to be sent to the mentioned API.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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