Passwordless login attempt is showing 'no connections enabled for the client' error


We have implemented the passwordless login using custom UI on our app few months back. We followed the instruction shown here under ‘use your own UI’

But for the last few weeks whenever we try to login we face some error.

When we try to sign in, the passwordlessStart gets called properly. We receive the code from Twilio. We enter the code and proceed from the Front End App. Then passwordlessVerify get triggered as well. And in the browser we can see that the response has reached our callback url. But in the incoming hash, instead of receiving access_token or id_token, we receive an error object:

error: "invalid_request"
errorDescription: "no connections enabled for the client"
state: "c1B9PO0xc-yp-ODCPi22J.g4LdAkjMb3"

Investigating further in the Auth0 logs, we can see the incident was reported as:

Type: Failed Login
Description: no connections enabled for the client
Connection: sms

In the Auth0 application settings we have all the domain, login and callback url set properly.
Under connection we have only passwordless > sms with Twilio enabled.

The error message shown is kind of confusing as most of the connection related operation(reaching Twilio, get code, verify code etc) is happening properly in the first place. Then its saying connection is not enabled.

Any help/suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks!

Latest Update: After checking recent documentation, we realized that all of them uses passwordlessLogin for the final step of the authentication. Our code was using passwordlessVerify method.

Changing the function call solved our problem now we are using the correct one.

Seems like the previous function does not work anymore and it was totally impossible to figure out that issue from the error message we were getting. Not sure what is going on here. whether this method has been deprecated as I still can find documentation that uses both of the function alternately. And these should be addressed in the guide/articles explaining how passwordless work.