Passwordless authentication with QR Code

Hello everyone!

My team and I have a nextjs webapp in which we use auth0 for user authentication.
We are currently developing an Android native app and we want users that are logged into our web application to be able to login into their mobile app scanning a QR code.

I know that auth0 currently provides passwordless authentication via MagicLinks in SMS and Email, but we haven’t found a way to generate said MagicLink in order to be used directly from our application.

Does anybody know if there is a way to implement something like this?

Hello @mikecuello17 , thank you for visiting our Community!

Currently, we do not support this option :frowning: You can submit a feature request here providing your use case.

The magic links are sent to the user’s email or SMS to ensure the right user is logged in to your app - and this is accomplished by requiring the user to log in to their email inbox first or visit their phone inbox.

Maybe I read your question wrong, so feel free to share your thoughts! :slight_smile:

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