Passing custom parameters to Auth0 Post User Registration Flow using New Universal Login

When a user is redirected to my universal login / sign up page with google tag manager query params, I would like to be able to pass custom parameter to the universal login / sign up page and read these query params in an Auth Post User Registration Flow.

These redirects can occur from our web application where we use the @auth0/auth0-react package. They can also occur on other sites with our marketing material.

It seems like when we send a user to the universal login page, these query params are lost when they begin signing up.

For example, in my react application I can redirect an unauthenticated user to our login page like so:

import { withAuthenticationRequired } from "@auth0/auth0-react";

export default withAuthenticationRequired(
  function SomeRoute() {
    return (
    loginOptions: {
      appState: {
        foo: "bar",
      authorizationParams: {
        "auth-param": "foo-bar",
      fragment: "some-fragment",
      customParam: "foo-bar-baz",

From this login page, the user can then click “Sign up” and create an account. I have tried many different ways to read query params or additional information from a user signing up for the first time with Auth0 actions, and I am not successful.

The use case is to track which campaign resulted in a successful sign up for a user by using Auth0 actions. We can detect a new user signing up and we’d like to know which marketing campaign resulted in that sign up.

Hi @alex21,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Unfortunately, it is not possible to send custom query parameters to the Post User Registration Action.

One possible workaround might be to configure additional sign-up steps using Forms to ask the user for the marketing campaign name.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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