Customize signup form based on passed query parameters

I am using a customized login template with a custom signup prompt in order to display additional form fields. All of that is working nicely. My question is whether I can pass query string parameters and have them be accessible from the custom signup prompt via Javascript in to populate a hidden field as save to metadata.

I am using the screen_hint=signup query string parameter to send the user to the signup for (see first screenshot) along with an additional custom parameter (user_type=regular). However, once the user is redirected to the signup form, the query string parameters are no longer accessible (see second screenshot).

Is there any way to get a custom parameter to the signup form?

Thank you for your help.

Hi @warren.harrison ,

Custom param can be passed inside AuthorizationParams object and the later you can access.

authorizationParams: {
	'ext-param1': 'value1',
	'ext-param2': 'value2'

Here is the post that will help you.

Hope this helps

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Thank you, but this will give me access to parameters in an action, whereas I need to access parameters on the actual signup form, in order to display alternate content. If Iā€™m understanding correctly, the sign form display happens before any action trigger is fired.

Thanks for your help.

Hi @warren.harrison,

I would recommend looking into Advanced Customizations for Universal Login. This is a feature currently in Early Access but supports A/B testing.

This may also be helpful: Configure Additional Signup Fields on the Universal Login Page

Let me know your thoughts.


Mary Beth

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