Organizations.GetAllMembersAsync works but IList<Role> is always null

We use Auth0.ManagementApi package in a C# project, I try to get an IPagedList of OrganizationMember for some kind of organization’s user management. I get the list successfully, but the IList in all OrganizationMember is null.
Based on this page, I supposed it could be not null.

My current method looks like this:

var client = await ClientFactory.GetClientAsync("read:organization_member_roles read:roles");

Auth0ManagementApi.Paging.IPagedList<Auth0ManagementApi.Models.OrganizationMember> members = await client.Organizations.GetAllMembersAsync(organizationId, new Auth0ManagementApi.Paging.PaginationInfo(0, 100, true));

foreach (var member in members)
	if (member.Roles != null)
		if (member.Roles.Count > 0)
			foreach (var role in member.Roles)
			Console.WriteLine("No roles found");
		Console.WriteLine("Roles is null");

the page I was talking about