I am integrating Auth0 authentication into our stack:
a Vue.js 2 SPA
a Ruby on Rails API (Ruby 2.7.8, Rails 5.2.5).
Both applications run in Docker containers, within a Docker compose setup.
The container that runs the API uses the image ruby:2.7-buster from DockerHub with a few customizations steps and obviously with the auth0 gem.
I am working with tenant dev-6w4hy15cawy5fx8q (under techops@sosv.com)
Authentication flows as follows:
The user clicks a Sign In button in the Login page of our SPA.
They are redirected to Auth0 login page and log in there.
They are redirected back to the Login page of our SPA.
The Login page picks up on the new authentication status, and posts Auth0 JWT to our API.
At step 5, I get the following error in our Rails API: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError (SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed (certificate has expired)):
The error happens in the get_jwks method of the Client class:
def get_jwks
jwks_uri = URI("#{domain_url}.well-known/jwks.json")
Net::HTTP.get_response jwks_uri
Here is my Auth0 Domain environment variable: AUTH0_DOMAIN=https://dev-6w4hy15cawy5fx8q.us.auth0.com
I already checked this thread. I checked the OpenSSL certificates of the Ruby image we are using to run our API. Within this Docker image:
We used to have a DST Root CA X3 (outdated) certificate.
I have deleted it, reinstalled the certificates and rebuilt the image with the updates, which did not fix the OpenSSL error.
You mention your AuthZero module is heavily inspired by our Auth0Client implementation, if that’s the case then could you try setting the AUTH0_DOMAIN env variable to dev-6w4hy15cawy5fx8q.us.auth0.com ? and remove the https. The original domain_url method should append the scheme at the beginning.
It could the your OpenSSL error is due to having a bad string.
Hi Carla,
Thanks for your answer.
To be consistent with other environment variables, I had added the https:// flag to the URL and edited the client domain_url method as follow:
def self.domain_url
Hi Carla,
Thank you for your answer.
Yes, I already tried removing the outdated certificate as outlined in the link above.
Could my Docker setup (volumes) be interfering with the deletion of the certificate?
At the moment, I cannot test this issue further, as I am encountering another error (described in a separate ticket).
I am using version 2.0.1 of auth0-spa-js (vs 2.1.1 being the latest version) and version 4.8.0 on the back-end vs 5.14.1). I will try an update of the SDK.
I finally solved this error.
We were using an old gem (Ruby library) certified that was overwriting the HTTP class we are using for the call that provides the JWK keys.
Thank you for your time!