Not getting any data from Social Connection

I’m trying to set up a social connection using the built-in interface on Auth0. I’ve received the IDP’s details and configured them. But when I try to use the context and accessToken variables in the Fetch User Profile Script - I get empty values.

The social connection is named “Timwe” - if you want to look at it. Any idea why those variables aren’t coming into the Fetch User Profile Script?

Note - I added some console logs to the fetch user profile script using the real-time web task logs extension. I have confirmed that I receive this data:


options: {
scope: ‘’,
tokenURL: ‘{the token URL}’,
client_id: ‘{the client ID}’,
client_secret: ‘{the client secret}’,
authorizationURL: ‘{the auth url}’,
store: {}

When I look at other connections that are already up and running it looks like this instead:
-accessToken: {actual access token}
expires_in: 3599,
id_token: ‘{actual token value}’,
scope: ‘{actual scope value}’,
token_type: ‘bearer’,
options: {
scope: ‘offline’,
tokenURL: ‘{token url}’,
client_id: ‘{client ID}’,
client_secret: ‘{client secret}’,
authorizationURL: ‘{auth url}’,
store: {}

So the “options” object is there in both cases, but everything outside of the object is missing in the first. Any ideas?