New ManagementClient() refuses to refresh access token

I’m running into an issue with my Next.js backend where when I callnew managementClient() inside a route & then execute an action with it, it returns a message “Expired token received for JSON Web Token validation”. I’m getting the client with domain, clientid, & clientsecret as args & it did work up until today when I started getting this error and can’t get it to disappear.

My first thought was that the small function I created to basically reuse the management client if it already existed to reduce the number of api calls was causing it not be refreshed. However, even after removing that & creating a new management client for each request, that still didn’t fix the issue and I received the same error.

I’m not exactly sure how to fix this since I’ve followed all the docs provided by auth0 so besides going and creating a manual process to refresh the management api token via http request calls, I don’t know what the next step would be. It was my understanding that using nodejs library, clientid-clientsecret, & managementClient utility it would handle refreshes on its own.

Hi @gabriel.mojica,

According to the “Expired token received for JSON Web Token validation” error message, it’s indicating that the access token being used has expired.

I went ahead and checked your tenant logs and found numerous “successful exchange of Access Token for a Client Credentials Grant logs” (seccft) logs.

Additionally, I checked your API settings and found that you have the Token Lifetime set to 24 hours and the Token Lifetime for Browser-based Flows set to 2 hours. These settings look fine.

I suggest that you decode your access token to verify that you are using the newly issued access tokens after expiration. Then, ensure you issue a new access token if the previous token has expired. This way, you won’t go over the quota for issuing M2M tokens.

Let me know if you continue having issues.
