.Net mvc single application with multiple auth0 tenants

we have already have two separate userbases with two auth0 tenants.
we want to make same application for both userbase by separating auth0 authentication according to domain name.

if domainA.com → use auth0 tenant A application configurations,
if domainB.com → use auth0 tenant B application configurations

are there any way to configure login this way in .Net mvc

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to us!

Wanted to provide some information on this matter, in case others find it useful as well, but the approach that I can suggest taking in this context would be to utilize Home Realm Discovery by setting up an Enterprise connection ( SAML or OIDC ) towards one of the tenants, that would act as the Identity Provider, where users under a specific domain would log in against.
In this case, the flow would follow this path:

  • domainA.com → would input their email address and login normally in the application;
  • domainB.com → would input their email address, get redirected to the second tenant for authentication, access the application.

Hope this helped!