Need clarification about Send Email Invitations for Application Signup


I’m having trouble understanding how sending invitations works in the documentation: Send Email Invitations for Application Signup

The article says: “Customize the password change email template […]. Include the link generated from the steps above”.

But it doesn’t explain how I can pass the previously generated link to my template, nor how I can then use this template via the api.

Can you explain how these differents elements fit together?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Eric75,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Sure! Let me clarify that the previously generated link is a change password ticket URL that when clicked on, sends the user to your change password email template, which you have repurposed as an application sign-up invitation email.

Then to use this template via the API, you can call the Management API’s create a password change ticket endpoint.

To summarize:

  1. First, you need to customize your Change Password email template and repurpose it as an application sign-up invitation email template.
  2. Next, call the Management API’s Create a Password Change Ticket endpoint to generate a password change ticket URL.
  3. Once you have obtained the URL, you can send the password change ticket URL in an email to the user. (Reference: Password Reset Emails)

I hope the explanation is clear!


Hi @rueben.tiow,

Thanks for the explanation but the step 3 is still not very clear to me:

“Create a Password Change Ticket endpoint, and then send the password change ticket URL in an email to the user.” from: Customize Email Handling

Ok, i called the change ticket endpoint, i have a ticket url.

Next i have to send the email:

  • How ? I haven’t found a way to do it from the api
  • I have to do it on my own ? with sendgrid for example ? If yes what’s the point of step 1 since the template won’t be used since it doesn’t pass through auth0 (from what I understand)?

In any case, thanks for your help!


Hi @Eric75,

Thanks for following up.

You can send the email invitation by calling the POST /dbconnections/change_password endpoint. By doing so, the email will be sent on your behalf without needing to use an external email provider…


Hello @rueben.tiow,

This POST endpoint doesn’t allow me to send the url ticket generated in step 2 (in your first reply). Why generate this url ticket if I’m not going to use it?


Hi @Eric75,

Thanks for following up.

My apologies for not being clear about the implementation.

Let me clarify that there are 2 options to send the email to the user:

If you use the Management API to create a Change password ticket, you must send it to your user using an external email provider. You will have to implement and enforce this action on your end. Typically, this is an extra step since it would require you to connect all the pieces together.

Otherwise, you can use the Authentication API Change password endpoint to send the email to the user without using an external email provider. I recommend this method as it’s simpler and has less overhead.


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