Nearmap, able to handle two certs in IdP metadata URL?

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The university I work for is a customer of Nearmap and we have a bilateral SAML connection to our OpenAthens IdP. OpenAthens updated their SAML signing and encryption certificate Updating the certificate used by custom SAML resources

Nearmap use Auth0 and have advised us that Auth0 grabs the first certificate in a metadata URL, therefore they are unable to update the certificate until OpenAthens removes the old one from our IdP metadata URL which won’t happen until after the 24th of February.

OpenAthens support have sent a copy of the cert in CRT and TXT which we believe Auth0 can use if converted to a PEM SAML Connection - Using the CRT Files for Signing Certificate and load manually instead of polling the IdP metadata URL.

I’ve passed the cert onto Nearmap and asked if they can load the cert manually, but haven’t had a response in several days (excluding the weekend).

Can someone confirm if it’s possible for Auth0 to manually load metadata or does it have to retrieve the metadata from a URL?

Disclaimer: I’m a librarian, not a software developer, integration engineer etc. so many thanks for your patience and any assistance the Auth0 community can provide at present.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @jaiparker79

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I’m not sure if I understand correctly, do you have direct access to the tenant has the SAML connection to OpenAthens IdP or you are asking on behalf of Nearmap?


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