My action code seems not to be executed

I want to re-send the verify email to users who login, and have not yet verified their email.

I’ve configured a new Machine to Machine application, accordingly to the steps illustrated in this post, and given the new application access to update:users scope.

I deployed a new action with this code:

const { ManagementClient } = require('auth0');

 * Handler that will be called during the execution of a PostLogin flow.
 * @param {Event} event - Details about the user and the context in which they are logging in.
 * @param {PostLoginAPI} api - Interface whose methods can be used to change the behavior of the login.
exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  const { user } = event;
  if (!user.email_verified) {
    const client = new ManagementClient({
      domain: event.secrets.domain,
      clientId: event.secrets.clientId,
      clientSecret: event.secrets.clientSecret,

    try {
      await client.sendEmailVerification({ user_id: user.user_id });
      console.log('Verification email resent for user:',;
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Failed to resend verification email:', error);

When I test it, I don’t receive any email (checked Spam folder as well).

Here, I read that I should be able to see a new section, called “Action details” in the Monitoring / Logs page for successfull logins; but this is not the case for me. This didn’t change also after I deployed a simplified version of the action:

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  console.log("My custom action is running");

I also tested the core functionality of the action locally, with the function you can see below:

const { ManagementClient } = require("auth0");

async function test () {
  const client = new ManagementClient({
    domain: event.secrets.domain,
    clientId: event.secrets.clientId,
    clientSecret: event.secrets.clientSecret,

  try {
    await client.sendEmailVerification({ user_id: "********" });
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error:", error);


… and in this case I was able to receive the email; so it really seems like the action code is not running; any idea why this could be the case? Or how could investigate this further?

Any help is appreciated - thank you.

Hey @brunoscopelliti welcome to the community, and thanks for the detailed write up :slight_smile:

Good to know the code is working fine locally, that’s odd it’s seemingly not executing in the context of the Action. I just glanced at your tenant and it looks like the Action isn’t bound to the login flow, I’m not sure if this is on purpose or not - To bind it to the flow you need to go to your dashboard Actions → Flows → Login and add it there:

The real time webtask logs extension may be useful in troubleshooting as well - I just tested on my end with a simple console.log() in an Action and could see it successfully execute/print out there.

Keep us posted!

Hey @tyf

Thank you for the quick answer.
It was exactly that, I must have missed that part from the docs, and the “Deploy” button in the Action editor page made me think that my changes were live, when this wasn’t the case.


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Agreed, that wording isn’t the best - Anyways glad it’s working for you now and thanks for following up with the community!

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