Multifactor Attribute in the User Profile when Exporting


This will help admins export users and identify what kind of multifactor they are using.

Applies To

  • User Import/export plugin
  • Auth0 Api Management v2


User Import/export plugin.

For the admin to append the multifactor attribute to a CSV, it must add the following attribute in the multifactor[0] in the attribute list for using the User Import/export plugin.

For example:

  1. Add multifactor[0] in the attribute list
  2. Export the list from the desired database.

Auth0 Api Management v2

  1. Navigate to Jobs- Created Export user Job.
  2. Add “name”: “multifactor[0]” in the body.
  3. Test the endpoint and get a 200.
  4. Copy the Job Id.
  5. Click on Get a job and paste the job ID.
  6. Use the location link to download the CSV.