Most Engaged Community Members Shout-Out: November 2023

Most Engaged Community Members Shout-Out: November 2023

Thank you to everyone who stayed active in our community forum in the month of November. We wanted to give a huge shout-out to top 3 most active community members in the previous month. Here they are (:drum: please!):

  • Thank you @spoudel for helping others understand where their issue come from and replying to their questions related to session timeouts and getting invalid requests errors but also not receiving SMS OTP. You also showed extensive knowledge helping troubleshoot Auth0 Login Actions. Keep up the good work!
  • Thank you @secomm for your contributions as well! Through replies and solutions you managed to share knowledge and help others with Auth0 Vercel + next.js login. Your collaboration with one of our developer support engineers regarding decoding session tokens in Auth0 Actions really stands out!
  • Thank you @cmoreno for sharing your solution regarding unsupported_response_type error. Your research and knowledge sharing for sure is going to save others’ time when troubleshooting their problems!

It’s people like you that help this community thrive! The more we help each other with our Auth0 implementations, the more effective this place will be. Thank you! Every reply, solution, like received or given matters!


Yes, BIG Thank you to @spoudel @secomm @cmoreno for contributing and sharing with the community. We value your participation and collaboration in the community!